Social Media

What you won’t find here are links to my Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Whatsapp, or what have you social media platforms. Although they serve a very useful and valuable function, they are also built on the fundamental premise of grabbing and retaining your attention as long as possible. I simply can’t be a part of that. I’ve made an exception for YouTube, at least for now, but I don’t ask you to subscribe, like, and turn on notifications. Likes and subscribes are OK, but notifications are not – I don’t want to be bothering you just because I posted something. I want you to come get it whenever and if you want to. I wrote a slightly more detailed blog post on my thoughts in this area here.

At any rate, I may someday find a platform I can support, or I may create my own community of sorts, but until then, you can continue to find me here and YouTube, when you like.